Saturday, September 30, 2017

Week 5 - Macro

I found this week to be interesting in trying to capture Macro photos and edit them. I edited them but felt they didn't need to be.

Before & After of my husbands guitar.

 Before & After of a gorgeous Lily from an arrangement.

Before & After of a gorgeous white carnation from the same arrangement as the Lily.

Before picture of a basket. I felt the way I edited it, it made the colors too blue so I opted not to save the edited and go with the original.

Same with this picture, the edited verision came way too dark and this already shows how vibrant the color of the plant really is.

Before & After of a crystal on a mirror stand


  1. Love the rich color of the green plant. Surprisingly, I believe the second/bottom option of the crystal mirror stand looks really good with the edits - makes it stand out.

  2. PS - I also liked the before shot of the white carnation... made me think of a sea of milk. Sounds odd.... but it is what came to mind.

  3. Hi Stephanie, I also think if the edited version doesn't look better than the original to just stick with the original. Out of all your photos I really like the white carnations. It almost looks like actually fabric.

  4. Nice work Stephanie, I love the crystal, that was neat! I also love the flowers! The weaving on the basket had the most detail to me besides the crystal which captures the eye.

  5. Excellent, excellent, Stephanie.... That is the spirit. You take me on a process of discovery with you.
