Sunday, September 24, 2017

Shadows and lights part 2

Hello all,

I am still in the process of editing some shots I have taken and it will take me a bit longer.  I will however, post what I have so far.  The images below I decided to do some here at home.  My family is very important to me and I wanted to be able to incorporate two things I love in one.  Some of these shots are of some of my children.  The one I love most is the shot of my husband my 14 month old and myself, she was kissing her daddy's arm.  My baby girl is discovering she has a shadow and that yes, indeed it does follow her.  She has quite the friendship with it, which I find beautiful.  She's not afraid of it.  For me as an adult, it means more than her little self can interpret.  I know there were times in life where I was afraid of my own shadow, metaphorically speaking, and so to be able to capture the innocence of a child, without fear was symbolic. The bricks are of my own home structure and I love how they are unique.  The tree I captured is in front of my home and the shadows the sun puts into it are so gorgeous.  Each crisp green leaf has its own story in my eyes.  I particularly enjoyed the photo of my youngest twin on her bike.  She wanted to "help with my project" and asked if her shadow was good enough.  (Of course mom would think so.) The other photos I took at night at Long Wharf to show the reflections of light in the water as the boats are passing or docked for maintenance. I also shot in Fair Haven by the water and the park by the Quinnipiac Bridge.  I know we are looking for shadows but also reflections of how light reflects on different surfaces and I wanted to capture that in a different way.  I felt only shooting via sunlight would be limiting.  Our city has so much to offer at all times of the day, I wanted to take the opportunity to showcase that. Please know that some of these boats were moving while I was shooting so not the best but I'll continue to work on them.  The last few photos as you m ay recognize are of Rosary Hall, our college campus.  Yes I was stopped by security but thankfully this evening it was a close friend of mine.  He did however give me quite a scare as he had not payed attention to my vehicle, and was wondering "who was trying to break into campus" lol.  All was well when he came up to me and found out I was on assignment!lol


  1. Hi Natasha, I like that you incorporated your family in your photos. They make them very personal and special. I like that you were able to get most of your shots from home. The tree photo really stands out to me, I like the peekaboo of light. I tired to take a photo like it but I wasn't getting a good shot because of the sun.

    1. Thank you Yanisha,
      What I have discovered is if you point your camera straight to the tree, towards the sky it works best. So for this one, I stood directly under it and shot pointing up. It also helps if you are in a position where the sun is either to your left or right and not directly in front or in back of you. You also want to pick a tree that has enough branches and foliage to block out the light from your lens. I did some from home, but I have updated this series to show the photos I took at other locations. Home is where the heart is and yonder is the adventure :)

  2. Wonderful series Natasha... you are working on this hard with lots of attention paid to the assignment! I love the straight on shot of the stairs and railing. The views across New Haven Harbor are well seen but the photo equipment/technique starts to fall short to make them as strong as they could be. Shooting with a tripod would make them sharper and using a camera with a larger sensor would help control the "noise", also making them sharper. The shots around the Albertus Library are wonderfully seen... Notice how "warm" they are due to the light source... that is another control on a DSLR, "white balance". You can adjust it to incandescent, for a more balanced color rendering...

    All in all, impressive!

  3. Hi Natasha,
    What a great series. I really love the sky line shots! The bridge shot is so beautiful! Great Job!


  4. Natasha! I would love to meet up before class ends to see how you see your visions for these photos! The art that comes with capturing such beautiful photos is just amazing to me.
