Saturday, September 9, 2017

My Downtown Experience

I went downtown Bridgeport this week and took some photos. At first, I had no clue of what to look for exactly until I started walking around. I took some good shots of things I thought were interesting. I edit them to the best of my abilities, I'm sure as the class goes on I'll get better. I also named each of my photos.











  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice work Yanisha! I think that these photos came out great. My favorite image from this collection is the Superior symbol. I think that it looks very powerful the way you framed it. I also really like your Angles image. I think the sun glare added a nice touch to the image.

  3. What a beautiful job you have done with these,Yanisha. You are being very observant about how light is working and how it can function as a focal point. I love the way the light is breaking on those three columns… This is a subject that most people would walk right past and never notice. The same goes for the second shot... The warm browns of the broken brownstone are perfectly framed and I really love the way the sunlight is playing on the wall on the left side of the picture. The light is balanced nicely. Are you doing feathered selections and levels adjustments in Photoshop?

    The third shot also shows a fairly good attention to how to balance light in the editing process, see light, and work with geometric structure. You're not afraid to think abstractly and look for shapes and design.

    The next shot of the bench in black and white intrigues me… Normally I don't like images that are skewed at such a hard angle but this works well for me.

    The next shot of Kay's could lead to a whole series and a second photography class of photographing urban decay as a sign of the times and even as a metaphor for the culture as a whole. The thing that weakens it however is the bright flash of sunlight on the car window below.

    I can clearly see your editing efforts in the next one and I like how you are thinking about your distribution of values in the frame.

    The shadows cast by the outdoor chairs on the brick sidewalk is perfect for this assignment… We'll explore even more of the same in the assignment entitled shadows and light coming up.

    The next one is also strong I like the pattern of the shadow on the sidewalk cast by the iron fence and the strong vanishing point perspective… As well as the editing that you did with this.

    Finally the last one shows a certain unity in the repetition of the rectangular shapes in the frame. The light is strong the editing is good… All in all well done!

    1. Yes, I did try to do some feathering and level adjustment. I also adjusted saturation in some of the photos. I did work real hard to adjust the glare of the sun on the car but I could'nt dim it well. I tired a couple of things but they were too noticeable.

    2. The sunlight on the car is actually not editable... there are no pixels there with any detail to darken... That area is overexposed and "blown out"... the only remedy is a crop. or to shoot in RAW.

  4. I love what you captured. I am so not on your level but it helps me understand more by looking at your post. Thank you great job.
