Thursday, September 28, 2017

WEEK 4 + 5

Hi everyone! 
Please forgive my absence as I have been going through some personal things with my family and the hurricane that hit Puerto Rico. So I am not going to lie, I have been very distracted and unmotivated when it came to taking photos, which has definitely been a shame because this has been my favorite course to date! Below you will see a combination of week 4 and 5s assignment - light and shadows and macro photography! The butterfly is actually a REAL Monarch butterfly that my sister got me from the Big E because she knows I love Monarch butterflies. It is framed. The cat photos are my cuteness overload Chloe :) I was inspired by the photo example posted under macro photography examples of  a cat looking up! I took photos around my home of items I own and plants around my house. I tried to keep in mind the assignments up close to detail and of different shadows and light. I've had the rose from the photos taken here for over a year and I just love how they were captured. Thank you for taking the time to look at my work.


  1. Okay Gabriella thank you for posting the before and after versions of your photographs. Starting from the top the decision to crop the butterfly picture was a very good one and I see that you increase the saturation so that the orange became a little bit brighter and a little bit of contrast added help to pop the image well. Nice job.

    I see you took inspiration from the picture on the link of macro shots from the syllabus and turned your kitty clockwise 90°… It's quite effective and is a perfect macro shot in so many ways. I like how the focal was made a little bit more colorful and you brought light into the face as well with your editing very well done… excellent.

    The next shot is a little bit hard to read. I do see it's a purple Rose that hasn't opened yet and it does have a certain interesting quality about it. Being able to see immediately what the subject is isn't always the best thing.

    The green leaf and purple edge of flower against the black background is striking.In some ways I like the version that includes a bit more black around it but it's a small thing.

    The warmed up version of the palm plant casting a shadow on the wall is perfect for the light and shadow project.

    The glass of wine was correctly color balanced to show a neutral wall instead of the reddish while in the top version like the shadow again and also the simplicity.

    The next one, the Stella Artois bottle, I see the top one is fairly neutral and the one right underneath it is quite blue it's hard to say whether you intended your edit to show the blue but the top version is quite a bit better. I would like it even more if the labels weren't on the bottle when it was a bit more abstract maybe with two or three bottles different colors etc. and no advertising!

    The second close-up of the green indoor plant is a stronger improvement as is the second version of the one that casts shadows on the wall

    Another interesting shot of your kitty. Congratulations on getting her to stand still for that amount of time.

    And okay on the dried rose… Perhaps a different point of view say looking straight down on it might be nice but all in all it's good..

    All in all nice job on this work and we are praying for your family members in Puerto Rico.

  2. Hi Gabby, these photos are great. You paid close attention to the details in each photo. I like the ones of your cat, it's great that she was able to keep still for you to capture her. I love the shadow and light incorporation as well. Well done! I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.

  3. HI Gaby, great photos! I commend you for taking the time while trying to deal with everything. I understand what you are going through, my husbands family and children are in Puerto Rico and it's been rough not hearing from them. Praying for you and your family.

  4. Thank you for your feed back Professor Nevins.

    Also thanks ladies for your comments as well. Trust me she didn't sit still, just took the picture quickly lol.

    I'm praying for you and your family as well, Stephanie.

  5. Love the butterfly - favorite photo. (I join with others in praying for your family and everyone on the Island and mainland) continue to be true to yourself and thank you for sharing. #NH4PR
