Saturday, September 9, 2017

Good evening, I took a trip Downtown Hartford to take some photos.

These four photos were taken in Bushnell Park. The light post reminded me of a bubble gum machine for some reason. The blocks in second photo reminded me of a seating arena that I saw in an episode of Game Of Thrones before. The object that's in the water in the third picture stood out to me, I found it very unique. And the water fall in this fourth picture looked nice from where I was standing seeing the reflections of the trees and then the reflection of the waterfall itself. 
I also stopped by the Wadsworth Atheneum to see their current exhibitions.
This sculpture, Dyad III (Dot Dash) (1988), by Keith Sonnier stood out to me as well because of the unique sculpture of the neon lights. 
Even though there isn't a reflection, these patterns were very loud when you first looked at them and the patterns circulated around the whole wall as well.
These last two structures were in front of and on the side of the Wadsworth Atheneum. I drive by them all the time but it's better to look at up close and personal.  


  1. Hi Celeste, I like your photos especially the multi-color patterns. I agree that when you see things up close you are able to appreciate the beauty of them.

  2. Okay Celeste… I appreciate the time you took to photograph these and taking your walk around Hartford. The strongest one in the entire group is the Sol Lewitt mural inside the Wadsworth Athenaeum. The reason is because you moved in closer to it than any of the other pictures in terms of abstracting it a bit not including the whole piece. There's a sense of mystery about the staircase the ceiling and this mural that wraps around the corner of the wall. The next two below it... first the Alexander Calder sculpture, is interesting especially given the scale of the two people seated beneath it but it would be even more interesting to walk right up to it and find interesting light and design within the piece thus making it your own as an artist in your own right rather than recording someone else's art… Do you see the difference?

    Ditto on the sculpture right beneath it… the strong geometries of the welded steel would be quite interesting if you were right up on top of it looking at interesting angles and filling the frame with strong geometry. I would have to say that about the Keith Sonnier light sculpture as well. It's interesting to see the light reflected in the floor but it would be stronger to get right up onto it and really fling the elements of light to the corners of the frame.

    The top four pictures are too far away...they include elements of sky and would be greatly strengthened if you moved in close on just one element to think about.

    Keep going… You are on the right track. Just remember that you should be getting close, filling the frame, and should keep looking for light and geometry. If you do that, your photography will improve dramatically.

  3. Thank you for the feed back Professor.

  4. You captured some great photos and I love the pattern one it made me smile when I saw it. Great job
