Saturday, September 9, 2017

Week 2 structures and shadows

Ok so, I was able to go out this week and get some great shots.  The first one is of my children's school bus tire.  I like the new lime green lug locks.  The second is of my gas meter at my home the day it was raining it stopped for a bit and I found it to be a great complex structure.  The third photo is of a wall sconce lamp at my job also taken the day it was raining.  I love the curves and how the top shows a bit of a rainbow when its on.  This hall is actually very well lit and so I played with the angles a bit to capture this shot.  This was taken in the middle of the day believe it or not.  The fourth photo is of a building on the corner of Sherman Ave and George street near where my mother in law lives.  I see this building everyday.  The fifth photo is of a chain fencing located directly across the fourth building on Sherman Ave.  I liked how the sun casted a shadow and it capture the individual links in the chain.  The mailbox, parking sign and highway over pass are all taken in Fair Haven.  The overpass was quite  challenge to capture during traffic hour.... It took forever. The two sets of chairs I took are from the small area located near Temple Grill.  I park in Crown Street Garage daily and so that circular concrete structure is actually the garage from the highest level.  I am deathly afraid of heights so this was the best I could do while having a small anxiety attack. I took several shots of it without actually looking because it made me not feel well.   The green and yellow fencing is also from the top floor of Crown Street garage every floor has a color.  The iron and marble "window like" image are on the wall of the New Haven Hotel located next to Bow Tie Cinema.  The orange fence is from Career High School which is directly across the street from my job.  I hope these images cover the requirements for this week.  I edited them to the best of my ability.  The photographs taken were actually taken extremely clearly so I didn't have to do too much work this time around, I just had to take about 10-20 of each one to capture the exact photo I wanted.  Thank you and enjoy :)


  1. Excellent work, Natasha! You are thinking visually and paying close attention to light and composition. Great series. I don't need to suggest any further edits, etc. What camera are you using?

  2. Hi Natasha, I like your attention to detail and how you are able to capture things and make them look well.
