Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Week 3 By The Sea

I found a beautiful spot that I originally thought was private but it turned out to be public. I tried to get as low as I can in some shots, I hope you all enjoy! The 2nd picture my husband pointed out because of the marblized look of it so I got closer to see how beautiful the rock/stone really is. The picture of the opened oyster I tried to edit like the video in the first week shows but I am still learning how to edit with the levels and lights.


  1. HI Stephanie,

    The shot of the boats on the water is one of my favorites! I have a friend that lives right on Silver Sands and she owns a sail boat I plan to go there this weekend to shoot on her beachfront property. You have some amazing shots of the water, I love the detail of the wave patterns!

  2. Hi Stephanie,
    My favorite photos of yours are the water shots with the boats in the back ground. The unique patterns the water make are just beautiful. I also like the shots of stones.

  3. Hi Stephanie, you took some great shots. I like photo number 6 a lot. The sky really draws you in and the different hues of the water is perfect.

  4. Nice going Stephanie. You got into the spirit of this assignment beautifully. I appreciate it when you said "I tried to get as low as I can in some shots". Starting at the top, the light and shadow on that conch shell and the way it separates from the shadow of the driftwood and the fact that you were in close and filling the frame makes it perfect for the assignment. The second one down also is very well seen and composed. See how light can work even when it's not direct sunlight? It's all about a separation of values from light to dark and oftentimes that even works better on an overcast or shady situation. On the fifth one down, you have two versions… I much prefer the warmer version on top versus the second one which is got quite a bit more blue. I'm not sure which one was before or after. Learning about color balance so can be tricky for newbies. The next two looking out to the sailboats, are both well composed and you are paying attention to the distribution of shapes in the frame.

    All in all well done… I hope you had fun with this!
