Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week 6 Window Portrait

Hello Class, I found this week a bit challenging with finding the proper lighting. I took some photos this morning but it had just stopped raining so there wasn't much sunlight but I edited them the best I could.

I chose to photograph my husband, he is such a hard worker and has shown so much strength during these past few weeks in dealing with the hurricane that hit Puerto Rico, not having hearing from his kids or the rest of his family for almost 2 weeks was daunting but he remains as calm as he can.

As you can see towards the end, he was getting really goofy and not taking it seruously!!

PS - please disregard the messy window, we are scraping and painting the exterior of the house so we haven't cleaned the windows.









After #1

After #2






  1. I found this assignment to also be challenging. I am sorry about your husband not hearing from his family. I also have family in Puerto Rico and didn't hear from them for almost a week. I hope he hears from them soon. I really like the 5th series of pictures. I also like how you incorporated different use of the window. Nicely done!

    1. Thank you! He had heard from his family thankfully, it just took almost 2 weeks but we finally did hear from them and we are now trying to get them all here especially his children, they need to get enrolled in school asap.

  2. Hi Stephanie,

    Your husband is hilarious. I must admit mine actually behaved because he knew it was for a class project and not just to put his photo online somewhere. Although I didn't exactly tell him I would use the photos with him in them he knows if I take a pic its going somewhere lol! I like your use of the window, I myself went more for the use of natural sunlight and not necessarily using anything as a prop of sorts. Neat idea. I hope he hears soon. I got a hold of my grandpa he's doing just fine as the resourceful Veteran that he is. I pray you all hear soon! Still no power so it's very difficult.

    1. Natasha! He was funny, the poor man works full time and then comes home and works on the house and he's like you are taking my pictures while I am working but he was a good sport and knew it was for a good cause!

  3. Excellent Stephanie… You paid attention to the goal of the assignment which is to use directional window light to light the face… Many students missed that essential and major point.

    You have a beautiful series here… Your husband was a great soul to put up with all the attention… Starting from the top I find it very interesting that you incorporated the reflection of power lines and moody sky from the outside by shooting from the outside well he was inside. Inventive very creative and a lovely image.

    By the way, if there was direct sunlight, the series would be ruined. It's only because we had such an overcast sky that they came out so nicely. Another way to put it is if there was sunshine out then you would have to choose your location carefully, perhaps another side of the house where there was no sun.

    The next one of him looking out the window with light falling perfectly across his face is exactly how I wanted this assignment to go. I do like the one before where you didn't crop in so closely. If I were to crop him more closely then I would've cropped out more of the space over his head and focused more on his face. The empty space over his head doesn't make for a good composition and a portrait like this.

    The next few where his moving around with you to different locations is a fun variation. The weakest shot in the series is where you are inside and he's looking back and with this hat on. His face is in deep shadow and the very light background is blown out. This is exactly what beginners mistakenly do and in doing the assignment and learning how to light his face properly as in the first few you have learned a tremendous amount about photography.

    My prayers are with him and his family. Hopefully he will be in contact with them very soon.

    1. Thank you Professor! I was nervous about this series because of limited lighting but I am glad you enjoyed them. We appreciate the prayers, he has been in contact with hsi family on and off for about a week now, the cell towers are down in their town so they have to drive to the next town to call us so its very limited which is daunting as best.
