Monday, October 9, 2017

Marco Week 5, I tried different lighting to help with my pictures.

1 comment:

  1. The top shot is lovely Paula for the project titled Light and Shadows… The way light falls through the sheer curtains and undulate's with them is beautiful. You could strengthen the blacks just a little bit more in Photoshop so they have a richer tonality rather than being middle gray. Most of the time a straight black and white conversion just starts the process… It's important to use levels in Photoshop to finish it.

    The next shot isn't useful for this class per se it's a picture of the painting and definitely not a macro picture it's too far away to be macro.

    The next shot looking out a hotel window somewhere in the Caribbean is a lovely spot to be but isn't a macro either… We define macro shooting as photographs taking very close up… Say within an inch or two of your subject matter in this shot we're looking out to an infinite horizon. When again did you go to the Caribbean?

    The last shot of the roses is the best of the group for the assignment. Here at least you are in close, looking at the detail of the petals as they unfold towards the center of the rose. Its weakest point is how bright the right hand side of the image is. The thing to do is to lasso that area in Photoshop, then use image > adjustment> brightness/ contrast and then dial back the brightness to bring it in line with the bottom and left side of the picture. You can view some of the many videos I have posted on the subject on my YouTube channel.
