Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week 6 portraits and week 7 virtual tour

Portraits: My granddaughter is such a character but you wouldn't believe it when I ask her to pose for pictures.

New York


  1. Hi Celeste,

    My little brother is also quiet a character but you would not see it in the pictures that I took of him. But I like the pictures in your portrait series. My favorite picture is the second image. I do notice for that edit, she looks a little orange. I like the original one more.

    I also really like your Virtual Tour series. I love the edits you made to all the pictures. They made the images stronger. Nicely done!

  2. The top four images are by far the strongest because you did not include the light source in the picture. See how the next two have lower contrast? That's because of the blast of light from the window. A way to improve these would be to use a telephoto lens and to get down on her level instead of looking down from above… If these were taken with a cell phone then one could buy an auxiliary lens that you can stick on over the cell phone lens in order to get a nice portrait effect.

    All in all very well done.

    A nice selection of scenes from New York in the second series is evident. This assignment was about reinforcing a sense of composition and to pull quality selections out of the chaos.

    I second Alyssa's comment that in your edit of the portrait, the third one down that there's too much color saturation… And it went to orange on you. One has to be very careful about over saturating images.
