Saturday, October 14, 2017

week 6 portraits attempt 2

These photos I took today.  I've had a very long week and was unable to get a good use of windows.  My house has two houses that block any sunlight and the two I do have that are good are covered by an entertainment center.  Since I suffer from migraines with aura we keep my house dark on purpose.  Just so happens today the house next door was demolished!! You can see the bulldozers at work still while I was taking the photos.  So we now have sunlight from two side windows of our home.  The other window that has light is blocked by my baby's crib, so I used this one which had been damaged during the removal of our air conditioner, so please don't mind the blue tape or crack in the window sill.  The first photo I forgot I had my living room light on, but it shows the dramatic difference in lighting when you're using window and overhead light.  She was not in the mood for photos this time around.  These are all fully edited, I've been sick all week long so I will spare you the unedited photos of myself looking as grey as my hoodie.  I actually held the camera up by hand to take the photos of myself.  I enjoy the challenge. 


  1. Hi Natasha!

    I really like your series! The third picture is my absolute favorite. I think that the light frames your face nicely. I also think you did a great job with your edits. Very well done!

  2. I agree… The third one is lovely. The light falling on the face is perfect and the sweep of the hood as well as the way the top of the head is cut off and that third one makes for a very strong composition and a very compelling portrait.

    Notice that the very top one has the flash going off? And see how the light is flat and coming from the front, negating a sense of modeled light?

    All in all a wonderful series.
