Sunday, October 8, 2017


This set is near and dear to my heart.  I used two of my 5 muses.  I had been sick all week so I took advantage and went back to East Rock park with my baby and husband.  I understand you wanted window lighting but I wanted to play with the sun.  I purposely wanted different lighting and so some of these are in direct sun.  Some of these are in the shade under a tree.  Some of these I allowed partial lighting between branches to illuminate certain parts of my baby and husband and some I wanted just the colors of her outfit to shine.  The last time I took her this outfit was amazing on her and so I put it back on for the sake of utilizing a color that would pop on her beautiful olive skin.  I plan to take photos with window lighting only this week but for this assignment I wanted to get out of my house.  It's been a really rough week, I needed fresh air. I loved the action shots of my husband tossing her in the air.  I loved her facial expressions when she wanted to eat grass and was told no.  (As you will see she quickly got over not eating grass lol) I love the shot of her giving kisses to her dad with the East Rock statue in the background.  Most importantly I loved capturing the moment on a beautiful day because these moments don't last forever.


  1. Thank you for posting personal pictures of your family, Natasha.

    The entire content of this assignment however is to be able to use and see directional light coming through a window. When you're outdoors you have much more difficulty controlling how the light hits the face. The bottom three enjoy some directional light on the face but it's a bit broken and her eyes are raccoon eyes from the shadows that are in them… That wouldn't happen if you used window light.

    The second one down starts to be a nice composition but the light is far too contrasty and harsh to make for good portraiture. Notice the blown out shirt on your daughters back… The direct sunlight hitting that is far too bright to resolve both the tonality of that and the shadow on your husband's face. Again using window light would resolve those kinds of problems. Another more advanced way would be to shoot in raw and then use the advanced sliders in Adobe camera raw to to get some control over those highlights and shadows. But still it wouldn't be as lovely as window light.

    I would love it if you could try again before the course is over.

  2. Hi Natasha , it is great that you were able to take these memorable photos of your husband and daughter. I'm sure she had a lot of fun, I like the photo of your husband putting her in the air the best.
