Monday, August 28, 2017

Hi my name is Paula, I'm looking forward to seeing what this class is all about. I currently work full time with people with drug and alcohol addictions and I go to school fulltime along with being a wife and a mom.  I have a passion for taking pictures and storing memories, but I know there's more to photography than just beautiful pictures lol.


  1. Hi Paula,

    Bless you for doing the hard but important work of addiction counselling and support. With also going to school full time and being a mom you certainly have a full plate... I am here to support you in your journey.

  2. Thank you so much Professor. I appreciate all the support.

  3. HI Paula,
    Beautiful photo. With this being said thank you for the work you do. I lost my brother to heroin overdose this January he was a few months shy of his 30th birthday. So please know people like you are close to my heart. I work in mental health providing stress management and depression reduction to pregnant and parenting mothers which has been my focus for the past 5.5 years. I understand the gravity of what you bring home because this work doesn't always stay at the job site once we are done. Thank you for all you do to help those that cannot find a way to help themselves and I look forward to seeing your work in this class.

  4. Hi Paula,

    Wow! Thank you for all that you do. I think it's incredible that you help out others while balancing everything else. Good luck with everything!

  5. Hi Paula,
    It's such a difficult field that your working now, due to all the hardships that's going on in the world at the moment many more people like you are needed.God bless.

    Nice to meet you !

  6. Hi Paula, my best friend is also working in the field you are in. I know it must be difficult at times, I look forward to seeing your work.

  7. Hello class....thank you all for such touching words. Yes at times it gets difficult for who you serve but I love helping others, and glad to see how much people appreciate what I do. Thank you. I wish all nothing but the best.
