Tuesday, January 30, 2018

entry for week 2

Hi all,

I am very sorry for this super late posting,  I have had a lot going on since my last photo.  I did however before the chaos struck manage to take these photos which I had intended to post however, time was not in my favor.  (Time was something I wish I had more of today, cherish every second, it goes by quickly.)

These photos were all taken on my 6 block walk from Crown street to Cedar Street.  The standpipes are my favorites!  I am not very tall so getting the view I did was a challenge.  Also all of the chrome objects I had to ensure I was not capturing my own reflection within the object so I had to work in some quite peculiar angels to obtain these.  The shine, the luster, their uniqueness. I dig stuff like this.  The rest were capturing of clean lines as much as possible.  I really loved the iron fencing Yale has at the various buildings. No two fences are exactly alike on any building.  If one building has one design the building next to it has something else.  I think that's neat.

Professor Nevin, I know you do not like sky in our photos, but the sky in the Alexion building shot, I couldn't help myself.  The contrast of the clouds with those perfect lines!  If I had access to the building directly across from it, it would be a dream shot!

The giant blue nut and bolt can be found on any crosswalk or lamppost.  I love getting close to small objects like these.  I liked that it looked like a blue eye from up top.

I did not edit all the photos to be black and white, or noir, some of them I think the color needed to tell the story.  It needed to show the age, the imperfections in the paint.  For example in the brick, they are already different shades of grey and black, that cigarette butt is already white but he small details of the twigs would get lost, it wouldn't tell that its winter season if I changed the color it would resemble string. The window shot,  I love the faux terrace look.  It made for the perfect timeless photo.  I hope you all enjoy.  I hope my next session I have an opportunity to get some sunlight.  Lighting was not in my favor this week.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Hi everyone! Sorry for the post a little later in the week- I started a new job and have been getting acquainted with my new schedule but I have been so excited to start getting into the course with professor Nevins! I've taken Digital Photography with him and it was really fun for me. I am a senior at Albertus majoring in Psychology, currently working for a health district. I love art, DIY projects and the outdoors (when it's warm), I also love photography though I am no professional. I decided to take a different kind of picture as my self-portrait, using my iPhone 7+. I will be using my Nikon for photos moving forward but to start this was a bit easier. I look forward to learning more about photography and getting to see everyones beautiful photos and progress throughout the course. 
Thanks for reading,
Gaby Reyes